Beginning of a New Era
Can you believe that Sam is now a middle school student? It is hard to remember since he's still at the same school. He still has the same teacher. He still has the exact same classmates. But he's officially sixth grade, so he qualifies to be a part of Rock Solid. Rock Solid is the name of the middle school ministry at our church.
When a boy leaves his family behind and does something--there is often no way to know what happened. "How was it?" you may ask. "Fine." Is all you'll get.
"Did you have fun?" "It was okay."
"What happened?" "Nothing much."
So, to arm myself and not be the "know nothing" mom, I am getting involved in Rock Solid. I will be working with a small group of girls, being an all around monitor of activities. I survived my first night this evening. I took pictures, but don't have them since it was a borrowed camera.
Sam had fun. Profound. Eric went along as is thinking about getting involved regularly. How cool is that?
How is this related to school? How about answering that question about socialization?? He is interacting with kids his age in a positive environment. I have incredible respect for the youth pastor which increases each time I work with him. This is a good place.
Hope everyone has an incredible week.
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