Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas

This Christmas I did not get the cards out (again). I desire to wish everyone a wonderful holiday. I strongly desire to urge everyone to focus on this great moment in history when God entered humanity. I deeply desire to see those I love turn to the Life-giver either for the first time or in a new, deeper way. I just don't seem to have words to express that in a card.

I used to be afraid of offending, or having family who do not believe as I do think me a fool. But I now understand that this is foolishness. I am very likely considered a fool already, so why worry about that? I guess the one thing I am truly concerned about is offending in the sense that my actions and words would make people turn from Jesus instead of to him.

So, for anyone reading this who does not know Jesus. Please understand that his followers are not perfect, wonderful people. They are only forgiven and free from the slavery to sin. (And slowly worming our way out from under the influence of that sin.) We are free to have that relationship that was severed by sin so many years ago--a relationship with our creator. It is the one you are hungry for and you don't even know it. This hunger is why none of the things you've pursued in this life has ever been completely satisfying. Look to Jesus--he will satisfy your soul.

My prayer for my family and others who do believe is that we would be able to demonstrate that soul satisfying, eternity-heading life that makes all sacrifices become nothing compared to the joy we find in Jesus.

Merry Christmas


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