Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Our hosting of Qing became overlapped with a visit from Dwight's brother, Dean, and family. We spent Sunday doing museum and boat tour in Norfolk (which everyone really loved). Then we said goodby to Qing Monday morning and Dean family moved in for one night.

We spent Monday at Grandview Beach (which is very nice and in Hampton--we'll go there at Thanksgiving!). They left today.

Dwight's brother is not a believer and his political beliefs are almost the exact opposite of ours. This makes conversation extremely difficult and a little tiring (we hold our tongues--he spouts and rants about the evils of conservatives--insulting us and our intellect left and right with no apologies).

Add in our homeschooling and we have definitely stepped off the deep end in their eyes. I politely and kindly assured them we are not "ruining" Sam, nor are we trying to create some kind of compound where he gets no exposure to any beliefs but our own.

They seem so foolish to me, buying conspiracy theories and swallowing party rhetoric, but I know that I seem as foolish to them. I belief in a non-existant diety who loves me a guides my life. My entire life is centered around what they see as a myth. Ah, to see scripture come alive and being willing to be a fool for Christ!!

Also, if this is the worst persecution that I ever experience I can count myself very blessed by God. I guess the miracle is that we love and enjoy the company of this family. I pray that we can be a blessing to them in some way that we cannot see. I sure don't ever expect to seem wise in their eyes, but I'd rather be a fool for Christ than have all the wisdom the world has to offer!



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