Saturday, January 19, 2008

another new happening

This picture is Sam's official 7th grade photo.

God is good. He brought Andy into our homeschool experience for a specific purpose for us: To train Sam and me to include someone else in our homeschool day. Starting January 30, we will be including a new person, Brian, grade 7 (same as Sam). He is the middle son of one of my dearest and oldest friends here in our area. She and I were a lifeline for each other during our children's toddlerhood and preschool years. Since then we have not seen each other much since our boys have very different interests, but we never lost that sister-like closeness.

Now, her son needs to be home educated and she is working a wonderful ministry-type job that she doesn't want to give up. So, while she's at work, Brian will be here. He'll have his list of things to do and his books and my job will be to keep him on task and tutor him if he needs it. This is all the law allows me to do. Laura will be in charge of his curriculum and etc. (receiving advice from veteran home schoolers like me). don't you like how we are obeying the law and doing what is best for this boy at the same time??

We are still enjoying our hot tub almost daily. There is a winter storm coming that will drop somewhere around 3 inches of snow that will actually stick to the ground. Everyone here is in a rush to buy food, batteries and snow shovels. We northerners are laughing to ourselves over it all. In fact, we are more nervous than we would be back in the north because if we are on the road, we have to drive as if no one else has a clue how to handle slippery roads (which is too close to the truth for me).


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Lydia Netzer said...

I know what you mean! I'm from Michigan -- and every time it snows down here I have to cackle. The panic! The generators! The slipping and sliding! Hehehe. And then everyone drives like the roads are made out of glass shards. Yowza.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Lelani said... Virginia Beach we can only hope for any accumulation. Usually we get by-passed. I was born here and usually scoff at the hysterical weather reporting....knowing that on this side of the water, there will be nada! I don't even believe enough to rush out and get bread and milk. LOL! So we're not all insane...really. ; )


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