Friday, January 16, 2009

What I learned in 2008

Okay, it has been ages since I posted and since it is still January I figured this was a timely enough subject.

1. Doctors are your friends, but they are not all-knowing.
2. Prescription drugs can greatly improve your life.
3. Mom is right--doing dishes can be pleasant (don't laugh--I know most people learn this before they hit 45).
4. If you step out in faith--God blesses your socks off!
5. True night people never out grow it, but that is okay--God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day (NOT DAWN).
6. Ligaments don't heal.
7. Life with a torn ligament isn't horrible.
8. Dad is right--growing older gets better and better (except physically)
9. God enjoys and desires time with us more than we want and enjoy time with him.
10. What teens want from adults outside their family is love and acceptance.
11. You can be friends with people who do not agree with your theology, political ideals, etc.
12. Age doesn't matter when you're going to live forever. We're all infants compared to God!

So maybe some of these I've learned over the last 10 years rather than in 2008, but there it is. That leads to number 13--you are never too old to learn


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