Friday, February 13, 2009

A big change is coming...

...but hopefully a good one.

I am being held prisoner. I am under house arrest and can go out quite often, but then I am kept home for several days--unable to function beyond the "bare minimum." Because I am married to a most wonderful man, this has been tolerable. He takes over what needs to be done that I cannot seem to accomplish. It has been tolerable when I only work at home.

But, I am going to start working outside the home some time in March (hopefully) and then this prisoner life will be a huge burden.

I went to visit my doctor and asked her what my options were. From the possibilities (hormones, minor surgery, hysterectomy) I rejected the hormones because I am not a nice person when taking them. I thought the minor (outpatient) surgery called an ablation sounded wonderful.

Next stop, the OB/GYN. He does an ultrasound and says that the minor surgery is not a good option because I have fibroid farm in my uterus. Apparently this farm is growing and starting fibroids quite nicely. The anemia and pain with my cycles can be pointed at them.

Next stop was my wonderful niece who is a highly talented nurse/midwife. I asked her for advice on other options. She graciously sent me lists of things I could do that could/may help. I seriously thought about this and realized I can't even remember to take a iron pill--I don't think I'd be capable of keeping up with a regiment type treatment.

So, back to the OB/GYN. I am scheduled to have the hystorectomy March 25th. It will be overnight in the hospital and then 2 weeks or less to recovery. Then I'll never have to think about my prison again!!

The scholarship is still working wonders. There are signs that Sam still isn't ready to do school completely on his own--he is still unable to self-initiate. But he is handling Algebra 2 instructions from his mom--getting algebra instructions from me used to send him into a fit of tears--wanting to "never do school again." I'm so happy that he is growing.

We just started Algebra 2 yesterday. School schedules are for other people!! He is breezing through biology and history. Our writing assignments are all poems and Sam loves it because he can write very little and still be creative and express himself. Do you think his math/computer/science professors will let him write everything in poem form??


At 10:48 AM, Blogger LookUp said...

I can't wait to hear your freedom cry when you are out of your prison once and for all!! :)


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