Friday, August 12, 2005

Heat, Swimming Pool and Summer's End

It feels so strange to be wrapping up summer already. Where did it go? After working with my morning students, Sam and I went to the pool with a friend of mine who has 5 children. It was a lot of fun for me and a real gift to my friend. Not only did her 5 children have a great time (one said it was the best day he's had all summer), but tonight her children will all sleep very soundly--just as her husband returns from a business trip.

That means we had another day with very little "school." Sam did spelling (Spelling Power--takes less than 10 minutes each time) and practiced his violin.

Tomorrow we have a whole day (9-3) of martial arts with a married couple that are coming to teach us just for kicks, I guess. They aren't charging us, they just love doing this kind of thing and are friends of the Brown's (our instructors). Sam will be demonstrating 2 kata's in order to earn his purple stripe.

Dwight is taking antibiotics for bronchitis which came on rather suddenly and will be missing our "mini-camp." I'm trying to talk him into coming as photographer.

I'll report on our mini-camp if I'm not too sore to type tomorrow evening :-)


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