Sunday, December 18, 2005

Lost Items and Small Jobs Turn Big

So, we seem to have lost our Christmas stockings between last year and this. I seem to be the most upset about it. Sam pointed out we didn't buy things to put in them anyway, so that makes it a good thing.

In my effort to find them, I was getting things out of my office closet and the last of the shelves broke. Now, instead of looking for the stockings, I spent the rest of the day cleaning the closet, finding new places to put suitcases and blankets (except the blankets are still on my bedroom floor).

Plus, I used this opportunity to do one of my favorite things--rearrange the furniture. My office is completely rearranged (and my back is SORE!!). I hope I like it. We took the doors off the closet and shoved the large black filing cabinet into it. That leaves more floor space in the office and my tables are completely moved. Once the clutter is gone over, I'll take and post some pictures.

Even with a sore back and a day that was supposed to be spent finishing the decorating and no decorating done, I sit in my rearranged office and smile.

But now it is rush off to eat and go to church for a comedian show.


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