Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Change in plans

Well, it seems that nothing ever goes exactly as planned. Dwight has not recovered fast enough for the trip to the grandparents house. So we are enjoying a quiet week at home. Things have slowed down, there is no rush.

I have signed up again for the FlyLady. Since I'm home most of the time I have two reasons for signing up.
1. I'd like to spend my time in a somewhat neat, clean environment

2. I'm home to do all her little 15 minute tasks that seem to add up to a neat, clean environment.

So, I'm dusting, getting dressed to the shoes, doing a load of laundry every day and finding more free time in the process. If you are interested check out

Sam is really not taking the whole time off of school. I have a large calendar on the coffee table where I mark all educational things we do. It has something almost every day. For example, stargazing and finding the big dipper, orion, the north star at the PCC parking lot (after the lights were turned off). Going to the Living Museum just for giggles. Reading some of his science textbook so he and his dad can do the next experiment.

Dwight is recovering, feeling a little better each day. He is building a stand for a speaker or some such electronic sound doohickey at church. The sounds guys all got together and divvied up some maintenance type chores. Our worship leader is incredibly blessed by a crew of volunteer engineer geeky types who are as dedicated (or more dedicated) than paid staff.

We are off the the Mariner's Museum. It is a special free day for Shipyard workers and their families. We're going to see what (if any) part of the Monitor is on display. Another thing to mark on the educational calendar.

Happy New Year to all!


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