Life is Messy
Today we did a lot of school. We did spelling and math. The math involved an activity which we all 3 did over lunch (Dwight's still sick). This day was not neat and organized with completing one thing before moving on to another--it was more of a hodge-podge of finding useful things to do in each moment that helped us attain our goal in a chaotic, disorderly, but successful manner.
Ah, homeschool. There are no rules about how things have to be done. I actually enjoyed the messiness of the day and I think Sam did, too. We will have a great time with school. Sam even had a time out in his room to adjust his attitude and it helped so much. Not having a schedule that is rigid makes this possible. My idea is to start the day (or even the week) with a check list of things to accomplish. As they are accomplished, they will get checked off. If Sam wants to spend Monday doing nothing but math lessons, that is fine. Then the rest of the week can be focused on his other subjects. spelling and violin may not be that flexible, but most other subjects will be.
This is definitely a learn as you go process. With Sam's help we can learn very fast. He really likes the whole homeschool idea--I think the boredom at school had really gotten to him when we pulled him.
May your day be messy and cluttered, but with good things!
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