Monday, October 24, 2005

Never stop learning

Wow, I had a busy weekend. I spent most of the weekend at church. We had a woman come in to talk about "Harnessing the Power of a Balanced Life." She spoke both Friday night and all day Saturday. It was inspiring. I hope to use the material rather than just walk away from it.

Sam actually told me at the end of the school week that he "missed nagging." When I asked for clarification he responded that school took longer than it used to. I am still not nagging, but I am pointing out to him where his time wasters are. The nagging came when he would resist or fight against these reminders. Now, when his attitude is resistant I just walk away and let him waste his time.

We do have a much more peaceful day this way. I plan the entire week on Sunday night (willing to make adjustments if needed). Planning is the one thing that is almost completely lacking in my life--it is where I need balance. Without planning very little gets done except the "bare minimum."

So, I am going to work in baby steps to reach a balanced life while Sam tries to create internal motivation that really works.

Sam is also learning to do a regular chore. He's in charge of dishes. This means that he loads it, decides when it needs to be run, empties it and begins the cycle again. Right now he's in the apprentice stage (he does the work under our instruction). I hope to see him graduate to journeyman by age 11--where he doesn't need constant instruction, but only quiet supervision to make sure that everything is getting done. He seems to be accepting this without complaint which is a huge improvement over his demeanor last year!!


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