Sunday, October 02, 2005

Vacation Week

Ah, the flexibility of home schooling. We took a trip to Indiana last week. My parents celebrated 50 years of marriage. This is something we couldn't miss (of course), so we just started school a week early and then took a vacation last week. (Plus we did some reading in the car, too).

So, we had a great time and didn't have to try to do school or make up work in an unusual environment. Sam got to play--he's enamored with "World of Warcraft" and is hoping for permission to buy it with his own money. Since it also requires a monthly fee, we are still thinking about it.

The week before we left, we lost our cable modem to an electric storm. I lived without internet for a whole week here at home. I certainly have come to rely on it for finding information and for entertainment. I think when I fast to focus on my relationship with the Lord--it isn't food I need to refrain from, but the computer. Our church does it one Wednesday a month and I'm going to do it this week, so don't expect anything from me on Wednesday!


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