Are you a smart alek?
We are trying a new math curriculum. It is on line and costs about $18 per month. Sam likes that he doesn't have to write and I like that it is the computer and not me telling him that "almost isn't good enough."
We had a tough martial arts weekend. It was six hours worth of instruction of which I was able to do two. It was good getting instruction from the grand master of our style. He's funny, silly and very friendly. At the end of the time our friend, Sheri was surprise promoted up two ranks. She was so shocked. She teaches our kids and rarely has time to train for her own rank promotion. She had been the same rank for about 10 years.
Now our future days look relatively normal (if there is such a thing), except for twice a week visits to the physical therapist. I keep seeing improvements in the strength of my ankle, but I did not participate in the kicking (balancing on one leg is too much) or sparring (the adreniline and bouncing is too much).
We have been borrowing all the books on tape that they have at our local libraries that go with out history curriculum. This is speeding up things--we all like being read to and so listen to them in the car and at bedtime. I think we may finish this curriculum about when school would normally be over (I was thinking it would fill the whole summer). No complaints here. Right now we are listening to "Old Yeller" next it is "Caddie Woodlawn" which I've never heard of. We rarely dislike a book that Sonlight includes and so approach each book with eagerness, ready to be entertained and educated.
With gas prices predicted to rise and rise again, we are not planning any trips to far away places this summer. There is a seed in my head of going to visit the Smithsonian in DC. We have friends that moved there and so could do it relatively cheaply. They keep begging us to come visit and they are the kind of folks that mean what they say.
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