Thursday, February 09, 2006

There is a difference between knowing and seeing

I have had 2 recent events that have showed me the truth of my title.

#1. We were at a night of worship and not at the soundboard--but actually part of the congregation (a rare occurrance). It was a very nice worship. At one point the worship leader suggested we go literally on our knees if we felt led as we sang about kneeling before God in the next song. Watching my husband bow before his creator hit me deep. I've known he was a follower of Jesus since middle of Sam's first grade year, but seeing his submission to his creator with my eyes--what a difference.

#2. We have set up school so that Sam has 4 independent subjects and a chore to do, then he can have "recess" until 10:30. Recess is defined very loosely--basically his activity of choice need not be educational at all. I have known that he was succeeding in this because I would see that he was playing at 9:30 (when I come out of my bedroom) and his work was done. Today I was up while he did those 5 things. I saw my 10 year old boy staying on task, going quickly from one task to the next until they were done!! Again, the difference between seeing it and knowing it is just amazing.

In John 11 Martha got to have the same revelation. Her brother was dead--Jesus had not come soon enough to heal him. When he did arrive, Martha makes this statement, "I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask". She knew it was possible for God to raise him from the dead--even four days (and smelly) dead, but when they got to the tomb and Jesus asked for the stone to be removed she shows some doubt (in my humble opinion) by saying "But Lord, by this time there is a bad odor for he has been dead these four days." The knowing didn't go all the way deep. Imagine the strengthening her faith received when she saw Lazarus walked from the tomb alive. It sure affected the crowd.

I know that God exists and loves me. I know he sent Jesus to pay the price for my sin. But when I experience that forgiveness and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit it is so much more real to me. When I experience victory over a entrenched sin pattern. This is the seeing in my spiritual life. What a difference!

Are you seeing God in your life, or just know the truth?


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