Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Howdy, we are moving along. Here is an update of how things are going:

Subject that are working well: We have three chapters to go in pre-algebra. We finished the first chapter in our Science book. Grammar is moving along nicely. SonLight (History and Reading) is still just as fun as before. Community Bible Study is just fine, too. Writing (Composition) is going very well. Check his blog this weekend to see some of his work. And Latin is smooth sailing.

Improvements: Sam has developed the ability to start school on his own (he has 4 assignments to do and then a recess). He is also doing chores without complaint. His chores are: dishes, keeping water bottles filled, keeping bird feeders and bath filled, and putting school stuff away when school is done. I didn't say he remembers to do them, but he is doing them with a positive attitude--I think that is incredibly good for a 10 year old.

Subjects that need some work: Spelling, handwriting, typing. What is lacking is mostly motivation. If a student doesn't care about spelling or legibility--it is difficult to remediate these things. In some ways, I'm backing off and waiting for him to be frustrated enough to work to improve things.

Needs Improvement: Math attitude is not quite up to par (though, I've seen some improvement just this week). Sam is so easily frustrated when the material isn't easy. When he can't figure it out in less than 30 seconds he tends to start whining and yelling. The strategy that seems to be working is for me to "teach" the material, then send him to his room (where he can whine and complain w/o an audience) and if he wants my help he has to come calmly and respectfully. I tend to want to help him when he starts whining and complaining and then his frustration is thrown at me in anger--trust me, it ain't pretty.

So, all in all, I feel like we have a good thing going here and it will continue to improve. Maybe one reason is because if it isn't working we are all willing to try something new or different. Of course, the real reason it is working is because it isn't just Sam, Dwight and I, but we have a helper who is there to comfort, lead and direct our paths.

Something I noticed in my study of John this year. Jesus said it twice so far--when we obey God, then we get discernment. I can see that has been true in my life as I look back, but I'd never noticed before. Obey what you know God is calling you to be and do (love God and others, do good, be an encouragement, etc.) and then the specific discernment will come. It isn't easy for us folks who want our ducks all lined up, but it is certainly good for us!

A character issue that came up during a math outburst-- we are all born with a god-complex (we want to be god--do all the directing and none of the following). This is the original sin we inherit from Adam and Eve. When we get frustrated with ourselves at our imperfections, this is due to our god-complex--we do not want to face the fact that we are imperfect (and therefore not a god). But sin comes in only when we respond wrongly to this feeling--we sin. When we resist in and cry out to God, only then can we experience victory. If we do not give in to our frustration, but do so without acknowledging God--does it lead to pride?

Anyway, that has been our January. Hope you all are growing in your relationship with God, too.


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