Sunday, June 04, 2006

half time

As we slowly finish the school year, I am looking at how Sam spends his time and thinking about how to encourage him not to be a "square eyes." This is the term given to someone who stares at screens all day by my friend, Sally. Sam is very much a square eyes when left to himself. I've decided he needs to spend half or less of his time being a square eyes, but was not sure how to accomplish this when his mother and teacher cannot keep track of time. In the past when we attempt to limit his time on computer or such, I would often forget and he'd get more than his allotted time. Then the next day we would deal with attitude when he was restricted to his allotted time.

So, I brought the problem to the headmaster (Dwight) and he suggested that Sam be restricted from all screens half of his days instead of half of his time each day. Today was our first no screens day and I think it will work. It may take him a while to figure out what to do with himself, but since the neighbor is thinking of doing this, too, starting Tuesday we may have success!!

To be fair, Sam's parents are not using the computers for entertainment purposes on the non-screen days. So maybe the whole family will be more productive...

Our days and evenings are getting busy--it seems the end of the school year is busy even though we homeschool. Probably because we are still a part of the community that doesn't home school. I have 2 graduations (one is a former NILD student), a groundbreaking for our expanded parking lot at church, a meeting with the youth leader since Sam is officially a middle school student once school is over...

But busy is good as long as it isn't stressing us out and so far so good.


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