Saturday, March 25, 2006

Oops, another adjustment

Maybe there is never a "Aah, this is it, now we'll do this for the rest of the year." moment in homeschooling. Maybe there shouldn't be. Like all things, there is a balance point between the extremes of "This is what we decided and we're doing it no matter how bad the fit!" to "Oh, you don't like that, let's change it."

The secret is finding that balance.

Math balance: Sam is required to keep trying the internet math program for the rest of the month before deciding he wants to go back to the textbook. Then we can discuss it and decide which works best for both of us.

Writing balance: Like many things, the writing started with willingness, but I think I moved too fast or pushed things to my way of thinking rather than letting Sam think like Sam thinks. So, I'm stepping back. For the rest of the year we are only practicing handwriting (copy work). I am not going to assign any creative writing unless he is open to the idea of a journal with occassional entries. Something that will not be corrected or graded, just a place for him to put pencil to paper on a weekly basis maybe.

Science balance: Stop expecting lab reports to look like an 8th grader made them. Just because he can understand the material doesn't mean he can produce that level of material--this is the most common error that all educators make with gifted kids. "If he can understand pre-algebra, his work should look like an older pre-algebra students would look."

They call these kids twice-exceptional. Sometimes it is self-created (this dichotomy between strengths and weaknesses). They soar quickly through the material they love and are good at, but drag their feet in the subjects tehy are poor in. Guess what happens--they get stronger in their area of strength, but they don't even progress on grade level in their areas of weakness.

I remember in first grade, Sam was average in his weak area on testing and way above grade level on his areas of strength. Now he is below grade level in his weak areas and even farther above in his areas of strength.

According to our pastor, this kind of tension is what God uses to grow us and mature us. So, no complaints here. Just a prayer that God will use this to refine both Sam and I while we struggle together to get him through school.


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