Monday, August 22, 2005

Les Nessman Walls

Okay, who of you have ever seen "WKRP in Cincinatti"? It was a sitcom about a low ratings radio station. The newsman, Les Nessman, was a bit of a weirdo. He felt he should have an office with walls, so he put tape on the floor where he thought the walls should be in the large shared space.

I know, you gotta be old to have seen it (unless they start showing it on Nick at Nite). But it comes up because we just created a "Les Nessman Office" for Sam. His workspace is right next to a high traffic path in our living room. Legos are very painful to step on. Instead of trying to get Sam to follow invisible boundaries--we made them visible with blue tape (our carpet is old and we don't care about it much). Once the job was done, I immediately remembered WKRP and so we added a door.

Sam's having a great time with it. His legos are many and small--we got the mindstorms stuff out of the attic and he's been having a great time inventing things. He made a mixer that spins a cup of water, so I dropped food coloring in the water as it spun so we could "see" centripital force. (seen in picture above) He calls it his "Mixer 5000" with great pride.

I am taking my hands off science (Dwight is doing it) and am very comfortable with it after Dwight and I discussed record keeping. I need to see what has been accomplished. We don't necessarily have to plan much--I think most things will come up spontaneously. And if not, we can check our records and fill in any gaps.

Dwight's calling us to dinner, I'll post again soon now that I'm feeling better.


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