Friday, November 04, 2005

Crisis and Resolution

FYI--my oral surgery went well and I am recovering faster than I've ever recovered. I didn't even miss martial arts last night (though I declined from sparring).

Crisis: Lying Resolution: Consequences that communicate Truth.

Notice the capital t in truth above. Lying is abhorrant to God--just like all sin is, but I think that it is one of those sins that our culture sees as minor and even necessary. So, my goal is communicate Truth about lying.

#1. You do not love the person you are lying to as much as you love yourself

#2. You are not loving God with your whole being. You are demonstrating a "me first" attitude which is is opposition of this truth.

So, we are suffering the consequences of lying:

#1. Words are no longer enough, but proof must be offered along with words.

#2. Many entertainment privileges are on hold to give the offender time to reflect on the seriousness of the crime.

Reality: I lectured Sam with words that he won't remember and am praying that I don't forget the above consequences too early. Another reality point. Tho he lied and seemed only to be angry that he got caught--our son is maturing in ways that honor God and he's actually quite a nice 10 year old boy.

Oh, he's decided to retire from violin practice for a season.


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