Friday, April 27, 2007

double push-up at Cuong Nhu

They guys were goofing off, so I asked them to do it for the camera. Being complete goofballs, they were happy to oblige. B is on the bottom (from the art show two posts back).

science experiment 10-4

Newton's Second Law "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" come to life

Art Show at a local high school

We went to see our friend "B" (as he's known at martial arts) and his art today. Here he is with his display.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Marx Brothers

Sam's new favorite comedy team, thanks to Netflix's large library. We have been looking at oldies. It is a good way to see something that you know won't have objectionable content. Groucho uses just the kind of humor that amuses Sam.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Easter 2007

Easter should mean no school, but in a homeschool family all learning can be called school. This means that when Sam helps his dad make dinner we can call it home ec. class.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Okay, it didn't really accumulate--just sort of rested on top of the grass for the morning, but snow fell until almost noon. I have never seen snow this late in the year here before.

Of course, snow on Holy Saturday can help us remember that what happened on Good Friday can wash us white as snow.