Monday, July 23, 2007

The County Fair

If you want to visit one of the best Fairs in the world, you must come to Elkhart County in Indiana. We spent the afternoon visiting all the animal sheds. Sam liked the Rabbits best and even got to hold one. Of course, the also set off his asthma, so I guess we won't be taking any home (thank goodness)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Playing Tag

So, I have been tagged by donnac over at HOO (homeschooling only one). I had heard of this game and now I'm playing. I am supposed to share 8 random facts and then tag 8 bloggers. So here are my facts:

1. I love to read fantasy and some science fiction. I am happiest if I have a whole series before me to read. I just started Robert Jordan's long series "The Wheel of Time." I'm about 1/3 of the way through book 1 of I don't know how many, but lots.

2. I have naturally curly hair

3. I happily live in a house filled with books.

4. We have more computers in our house than people living here.

5. My hope in this life is that God will be glorified in all I do.

6. I have more crowns in my mouth than uncrowned teeth

7. Everyone in our house has allergies, so our only pet is a fish.

8. I think nerds are sweet and cute (I married one almost 20 years ago).

Okay, so I'm tagging my nieces who have blogs, Amber, Sabrina, and Melissa. My sister Marla. Our friends in Zambia who may not have time to respond. The other 3 are arty folks who I have never met, but whose art I have been enjoying so much: doodletillomega, tllt, and seniordoodlin.

new glasses

Sam has now become a glasses wearer. It surprised me how quickly I got used to how he looked.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Sam had an assignment to write a poem last week. He was given the first two words of each line and then a short instruction on what to write. The instructions were very open and did not mention spiritual things. He also had a sample, written by a girl and mentioning unicorns and such. Here is his poem:

I am the one who wants to paint and a Christian too,
I wonder what its like to paint a masterpiece for Him to glorify his name
I hear His thanks and abounding love
I see Him saving me
I am the one who wants to paint and a Christian too.

I pretend to meet Him face to face
I feel his grace on me
I touch the holes in his hands
And I worry about his lost sheep
I cry for those who will never hear His name
I am the one who wants to paint and a Christian too.

I understand that I may change the world
I say that anyone can do so
I dream of judgment day
I try to make an effort to change someone’s life
I hope that this will come true for
I am the one who wants to paint and a Christian too.