Monday, May 19, 2008

first part (of 3 new posts)

Since I have no idea how to get pictures anywhere but at the top (advice anyone?). Here is the three parter published so that they appear (I hope) in the order they should be read:

Howdy all. I didn't fall in a lake nor was I captured by space aliens. I was sick for several weeks and it seemed to have cause some asthma symptoms that would NOT go away. I was on every drug there is (or so it seemed) and still coughing my asthma cough. I also felt a little low on energy (hence the lack of posting). But today, my doctor decided to declare war on my asthma. She sent in the BIG GUNS--prednisone. This is the steriod that makes you feel GOOD and gives you LOTS of energy. No, I won't end up looking like the picture--that's another kind of steroid (I hope).

middle part

This is a picture of me doing the dishes earlier, though and Dwight tells me I’m talking pretty fast, too.

long overdue update

This is how the stuff makes me feel

So that is the latest from this crew. Dwight and I are heading to NC State (North Carolina State University) for Cuong Nhu camp. Sam will be staying here with our most reliable child care worker. They share an interest in computers and science and such so he’s looking forward to it. She is 18, a senior who got a full ride scholarship and who loves the Lord, And we are supporting her mission’s trip to china this summer as payment, so we are all happy with the arrangement. It will be interesting to be on Prednisone for martial arts camp. I may have to warn people that in 10 days I won’t be quite so amazing!