Friday, November 25, 2005

The Hoarse Whisperer

So, a few of my relatives have descended upon us. We are having a great weekend, but they didn't arrive before a sore throat. If you know my family you know that we have the talking gene. After talking constantly with a sore throat for 2 days, my voice has taken a leave of absence. I am reduced to whispering. In this family--whispering is NOT loud enough. I have become a silent observer in a group where I am usually a dynamic participant.

Interesting perspective. I love my family and am enjoying seeing them from a different angle. Occasionally, I find myself hoping I don't sound quite like them. Other times I'm glad we're related.

So, as I wonder why God has allowed this silent period in my life, I think of the times I have abused the volume of my voice--yelling at my poor son, making unkind comments. Maybe a chance to do school without being able to yell will be a good lesson for me.

Today was fruitcake day, tomorrow is thrift store shopping day. Sunday Dad will take us all out for brunch and then all but one sister (husband and 3 kids) will be left. There won't be much recovery time before our normal life descends. Aah, life we never do get much choice and I'm not sure if I'd want that choice. God is the one who is all wise and I'll gladly cede control to him.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Special Day Today

We are not having a normal school day. We had Bible study in the morning. Sam's class got to play a game where they threw darts at the balloon to pop it. The balloons had bad attitudes written on them that needed to be popped.

Then we went to the Peninsula Fine Arts Center. Two art collections were on display. Howard Finster and a woman who did sculptures out of other people's collections. She bought the collections on ebay and had the seller write and tell her the where/why for the collection. Sam wrote about one of her collages on his blog. My favorite was a ton of cookie cutters-I recognized several of them. The story is posted beside the art.

Howard Finster was a very interesting person. His art is compelling in a weird way--it isn't really what I would call beautiful. But he was only educated to grade 6. He was a plumber, carpenter and several other things as well as a traveling southern baptist preacher. One day he heard God tell him to do art that proclaimed God's word and God's truth. Maybe that is where the compelling comes from. His ideas are strange, his artistic talent is untrained...anyway, if anyone is curious to see it, we can go there on Saturday after thanksgiving.

Tonight we have a potluck after martial arts--that will be great fun!

See you in a few days!

Monday, November 14, 2005


If you've been reading, you'll notice that Sam loves blogging. In fact, I had to remind him to do his other school work today. I never thought I'd hear myself say, "That's enough writing, Sam, get your other school work done."

I'm sure the newness will wear off, but responses from people will help, so I asking (begging, really) for you all to write him emails in response to his posts.

I have another student--at least until Christmas. He is failing spelling (in first grade) and is going to go through the NILD testing process. This process often takes a couple of months, so in the meantime I will be tutoring him in spelling, phonics and sightwords. We worked together this summer to build his reading ability, so it is nice to have my "little guy" back. I would rather have seen him succeed in school, but I'm glad he isn't going to someone else for help.

Sabrina insists on having the turkey carved at the table. Dwight said she could if she carved it, but now she is complaining that it is the job of the male head of the family. So, Grandpa, do you want to carve the turkey for the sake of tradition? Does anyone else care? Only a week and a day until folks start showing up at my house!! I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Taking the Ugh out of Writing

Or at least trying to.

In his traditional/classical school setting, Sam learned to hate writing. They didn't take into consideration a student's aversion to pencils. My darling boy is so full of ideas he is often stricken with the dreaded disease--talking pneunomia. As far as we know there is no cure. Once it hits (around age 2), it seems to revisit the victim at random moments. Last night it was struggling to take over during church service. My son, finally prevailed against it, but it was a struggle.

So, all these wonderful, crazy, ideas that spill out in fits and spurts are the perfect fodder for writing. But the pencil allergy seems to spread to keyboard allergy, too. I think the slowness of writing and typing and the speed of his thoughts are just too disparate.

Now that we have had a good six months outside of a classroom, it might be time to awaken the writer within Sam. The question is how to do this in a positive way. One source of good writing suggestions is at This woman has written a book to help homeschool parents teach their children to become writers. The book is called "The Writer's Jungle" and costs $75. I sure wish I could see it before I buy it. Or get it cheap (none on ebay so far).

At her website, Julie Bogart does give a lot of information that makes me think we can begin the baby steps without purchasing the book and maybe get it for next fall. Many of her ideas are already happening in our home (reading aloud, enjoying poetry together) because they are a part of the Sonlight curriculum. Some other ideas (copying favorite quotes in a notebook, dictation from a favorite book) we could begin without buying her book.

One of my ideas was to alter her copying, freewriting suggestions into something that Sam would embrace by getting him a blog. I would monitor this, prevent comments from strangers. One thing that would make it work is if people he knows would email him with comments on his blogs. Then my little techie may very possibly become a writer without any "ugh."

Friday, November 11, 2005

Squirrel IQ Test

We decided to see how smart our squirrels are. This is a box with nuts and/or seeds inside. All the squirrel has to do is lift the far, no takers. Though they have chewed on the box. Squirrel IQ: not very bright!


This is Sam, doing the dishes. I just wanted to prove to you all that I wasn't making it up!!

Who's in charge?

When there is only one child in the family--what does a school-free day look like? Sam has confessed to being bored on Fridays when we lighten the school load. I put him in charge of thinking of things to make it interesting. (silly me).

Right now he is hurrying me through the morning, checking to see if my bike tires are any good and so we can go on a bike ride. I haven't ridden that bike in I don't know how long. I guess I'm paying the price for putting him in charge.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Good Start Leads Somewhere

Not that we can always pick how something starts, but a good start to the school day usually leads to a good school day. An ambiguous start usually leads to poor attitude. We have been aiming for a definite quick start after breakfast and it seems to really help a lot.

Back to my mouth--I saw the guy for a follow-up today. He is pleased with the healing time-line, but is a little concerned with the fact that a large portion of my lower right jaw is still numb. He even mentioned a nerve graft as a possibility. I am still feeling tingling on the edges of numbness--and he said the nerve is intact--not cut. So I'm going to do a Scarlette O'Hara and not think about that until tomorrow! I think for some things--this is actually the best thing to do. I can't change anything by worrying or thinking about it. There will be plenty of time later to make a decision if it needs to be and why churn over the pros and cons of something that may never happen.

So, we're doing school, enjoying life and not thinking about certain things. I hope you are all having great weeks!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Crisis and Resolution

FYI--my oral surgery went well and I am recovering faster than I've ever recovered. I didn't even miss martial arts last night (though I declined from sparring).

Crisis: Lying Resolution: Consequences that communicate Truth.

Notice the capital t in truth above. Lying is abhorrant to God--just like all sin is, but I think that it is one of those sins that our culture sees as minor and even necessary. So, my goal is communicate Truth about lying.

#1. You do not love the person you are lying to as much as you love yourself

#2. You are not loving God with your whole being. You are demonstrating a "me first" attitude which is is opposition of this truth.

So, we are suffering the consequences of lying:

#1. Words are no longer enough, but proof must be offered along with words.

#2. Many entertainment privileges are on hold to give the offender time to reflect on the seriousness of the crime.

Reality: I lectured Sam with words that he won't remember and am praying that I don't forget the above consequences too early. Another reality point. Tho he lied and seemed only to be angry that he got caught--our son is maturing in ways that honor God and he's actually quite a nice 10 year old boy.

Oh, he's decided to retire from violin practice for a season.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Special Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is not going to be a normal school day. My dental surgeon consult today resulted in a surgery appointment tomorrow. Dwight is staying home and he and Sam will be doing school together. Besides Bible, they will be doing "Domestic Sciences" and a "Field Trip to Home Depot." Other subjects are being skipped.

I also hope they'll make some foods that don't require chewing. I seem to remember the last time I had this done (an apicoectomy) that I couldn't chew for a day or so. As you read this, please pray for a quick recovery. The surgeon wanted to use anesthesia until I told him there is none mild enough to prevent me from having a violent vomitile awakening. Instead he's going to use nitrous oxide high enough for me to sleep. This tooth root is near some nerves and I guess I don't want to be awake if they hit one.

Aah, but this is not Doctor Lee only, but God is even in charge of the doctor's hands. I am resting, not in a very good surgeons hands, but in the hands of my creator who only allows that which will bring him glory and me good. I think I'll rest and not worry tonight!